Divadlo Continuo

Vizuální báseň s prvky magické obrazivosti, absurdity a grotesknosti. Inscenace spojující fyzické, loutkové a výtvarné divadlo.

DIRECTED BY Pavel Štourač
CAST Sara Bocchini, Kateřina Šobáňová, Natália Vaňová, Ludmila Ješutová
VISUAL CONCEPT, STAGE DESIGN Helena Štouračová, Pavel Štourač
SOUND DESIGN Jakub Štourač
LIGHT DESIGN Tomáš Morávek

Discovering unknown territory, which ancient cartographers described as "here be dragons".

Ancient cartographers believed that fantastic monsters, dragons and leviathans lived in unknown territories in remote corners of the world. In Hic Sunt Dracones, parts of the human body, objects and material unite to form unimaginable landscapes, beings and stories. However, it is not a journey into far-flung regions or fantastic utopias, but a journey into our own minds and hidden corners of our souls.

The new production, directed by the artistic director of the ensemble Pavel Štourač, is a combination of physical theatre and animation of material and objects with the principles of art theatre. Its theme is the visible – tangible and hidden reality of the female body and her soul – the anima. The production features performers from the Czech Republic, Italy, Canada and Slovakia.

Performance is a part of the Czech Dance Platform 2021 .



DIVADLO X10 Charvátova 10/39, Prague 1, 110 00