Y: Roaaarrrrr
An event of screams. A healing.
An event of screams. A healing.
Diptych from 1918 and 2022. About soldiers and women refugees.
A Crazy Expedition. Based on Sophocles.
10 directors / 10 actors / 10 crisis moments in Czech modern history
A cynical school concert. With catharsis.
The Ukrainian anabasis. A scary one.
Grammy-winning US experimental vocal ensemble.
Swiss drummer and composer Arthur Hnatek will present his project SWIMS.
Symbióza živého tance, pohybu a světel pokaždé jinak.
Movement duet about conflicts and fear of them
Festival of Contemporary Comics and Illustration / Exhibitions, Workshops, Lectures, Book Fair.
Collective creation with masks.
The humiliation of celebration and the celebration of emptiness.
80 years since the end of the war. When the past collides with its future...
A social porn from the era of late capitalism. A cracking a crazy comedy based on Georg Büchner.
Celebration of slowing down. Bingewatching?
Pořádá Festival Khamoro
Bodies in Motion. To the point of exhaustion!
The night of shared play. Transformative.
Festival Music is
Explosions of tension in the surreal world of an angry society.
We are transforming X10 Theatre into a skating ring where the lines between the audience and performers are blurred.
Premiere site specific – event
Join Us to Support Ukraine!
Festival Music Is.
Festival Music Is.
Festival Music Is.
The concert series ECHOES
A journey towards nature: a surreal dreamland dwelling in the soft connections of the forest ecosystem.
Stretching the time. To heal.
Unified interdisciplinary performance inviting choreography, visual arts, nude and spatial art on stage.
Perseus and Andromeda. A Petrified Wedding.
Protest as a signal. Mobilisation.
Divadelní představení na téma dezinformace, konspirace a fenoménu pravdy v postfaktické době.
Experimental web site specific. Live. Partly.
Harbour for all emotions
Inscenace propojující fyzické divadlo s hudbou a prvky loutkového divadla.
Opening evening of the Zero Point festival.
Dance, physical and visual theatre performance with live music.
Perseus and Andromeda. A Petrified Wedding.
Feminist anti-war performance.
A dance performance inspired by the principles of the clown figure and black hole theory.
Physical proximity. Of any kind.
Na základě všedního a každodenního života nás všech si účinkující pohrávají s hranicemi surrealismu a absurdna, zvou na jeviště naše vlastní démony, hrají si s nimi, aby se je naučili zkrotit (nebo to alespoň zkoušejí...)
Y: Urban (E)Scapes perceive the urban space as a playground and try to find interactions which break the current stereotypes concerning the everyday perception of the urban space.
Jedinečné představení setkání, během kterých dochází k umělecké výměně
Žhavá kabaretní přehlídka drag, taneční a hudební středoevropské scény
Performance is a part of Zero Point festival
Láska, žárlivost, manželství, sny, svoboda, peníze, divadlo.
Debata v rámci Divadelního festivalu Kutná Hora
Project aimed at sharing a personal relationship with art through letters to strangers.
Performance is a part of Kutná Hora Performing Arts Festival
Performance is a part of Kutná Hora Performing Arts Festival
Performance is a part of Kutná Hora Performing Arts Festival
Performance is a part of Kutná Hora Performing Arts Festival
Vizuální báseň s prvky magické obrazivosti, absurdity a grotesknosti. Inscenace spojující fyzické, loutkové a výtvarné divadlo.
Divadelní pohádka s hudební dílnou. V Kutné Hoře.
Tři herci, jeden hudebník a prázdné divadlo v karanténě. Věčná komedie i nihilistické mystérium. Duchovní rozměr i digitální experiment.
Shared spacetime for performative art, contemporary theory and fine arts.
Malá inventura is a showcase of the most significant projects in the field of new theatre that were created in the independent theatre scene over the last year.
Velký návrat někdejšího stipendisty Strun podzimu, saxofonisty Luboše Soukupa, v jeho autorském projektu v instrumentálním tandemu s africkým kytaristou Lionelem Louekem.
Mezinárodní divadelní projekt inspirovaný známou prózou Franze Kafky.
Fusion of dance, physical theater, light acrobatics and spoken word.
Conversational lynch. Inexorable.
Divadelní maraton. Pět krátkých inscenací za jeden večer, napsaných a nazkoušených ve 24 hodinách.
Úhly pohledu se mění, výchozí otázka zůstává: Jsme ochotni uvěřit v zázrak?
Dobrodružná cesta od vzniku republiky po naši současnost.
Performance will take place on the fifth Theatre Festival in Kutná Hora.
Performance will take place on the fifth Theatre Festival in Kutná Hora.
Performance will take place on the fifth Theatre Festival in Kutná Hora.
Performance will take place on the fifth Theatre Festival in Kutná Hora.
MAKE YOURSELF začíná tréninkem, povelem a formováním těla.
Sugestivní audiovizuální pouť postapokalyptickou krajinou
!GG! / story of a dancer / movement performance
Performance will take place on the fifth Theatre Festival Kutná Hora.
Road movie, fairy tale, thriller, love story. Beautiful.
Performance will take place on the fifth Theatre Festival Kutná Hora.
author's reading
Performance is a part of Kutná Hora Performing Arts Festival
Performance is a part of Kutná Hora Performing Arts Festival
Performance is a part of Kutná Hora Performing Arts Festival
Acoustic suicide. Resonating.
Performance will take place on the fifth Theatre Festival in Kutna Hora.
Malá inventura is a showcase of the most significant projects in the field of new theatre that were created in the independent theatre scene over the last year.
Mum, do you ever wish to die? A living-room drama. Ordinary.
Debate not only about the position of culture in our society.
- moderated by Martin Macháček
The Hopeful Symphony. The Waiting Room Trilogy.
Organized by Tanec Praha z.ú. and Czech Dance Platform 2024
A dance solo that expresses emotions of a generation that experienced the turn of two eras.
A courtroom drama, cooking show. A true delicacy.
Specific tour of Dům uměleckého průmyslu with informed interpretation of the living Makropulos. Want it to be scary? Don't forget to say at home for them not to look for you. There is no point.
Performance will take place on the fifth Theatre Festival in Kutná Hora.
Jazz concert accompanied by intuitive painting. Free entry.
An intermedial performance for teenagers
Festival focuses on the presentation of independent and alternative theater on an international scale with a possible impact on current topics
The eighth year of the independent theatre festival
A showcase of contemporary authorial theatre with a focus on current texts or authorial projects reflecting today's pressing social situations.
Peformance is a part of Kutná Hora Performing Arts Festival
Performance will take place on the fifth Theatre Festival in Kutná Hora.
Performance is a part of Kutná Hora Performing Arts Festival
Performance will take place on the fifth Theatre Festival in Kutna Hora.
A dystopic melodrama. About me and you.
Performance is a part of Kutná Hora Performing Arts Festival
Young adult. Radical.
American choreographer Emily Smith and German performer Felix J. Baumann.
Performance will take place on the fifth Theatre Festival in Kutná Hora.
Variations for three parts and trumpet on a theme by Ingmar Bergman.
The stories of one boyhood gang. First-hand.
An iconic sci-fi story. Magnetic.
Current, alternative, electronic and ambient music festival.
Documentary performance
Beerhouse Celebration. The Waiting Room Trilogy.
Organized by Prague Music Performance
A modern Czech play on an ancient story. Murderous.
Experience music in colour!
Theatre is better than sex! Psychoanalytic hell. Ours.
Is a part of PQ+
Performance will take place on the fifth Theatre Festival in Kutná Hora.
An environmental grotesque. Spicy.
The Ukrainian anabasis. A scary one.
A Lesson in Personal Courage. The Waiting Room Trilogy.
The story of a small person. Tragicomic.
A family fantasy. Fun, action-packed, ecological.
A dramatic poem. Grotesque, raw.
A contemporary French play. Panoptic.
Fourteen stories from nuclear life.
Performance will take place on the fifth Theatre Festival Kutná Hora.
Festival of Performance Art
Underground. Today.
A Vivid Staged Death.
Shared spacetime for performative art, contemporary theory and fine art scene.
New serie of curated events focused on an transdisciplinary and transgenre interconnections opening new ways of meeting the local and international (art) scene.
Shared timespace for performative art, contemporary theory and fine art scene.