We Are Memory 2025: Clover Fields

Memory of Nations Theatre & CIRQUEON

80 years since the end of the war. When the past collides with its future...

DIRECTION Tamara Pomoriški
MOVEMENT COOPERATION Kateřina Klusáková, Jiřina Jonáková
STARRING Amálie Furmanová, Amálie Ziková, Anastázie Kopečná, Benjamin Šťastný, Clémentine Bastard, Hana Hopfingerová, Jakub Pešek, Luisa Olivie Bultová, Mariana Turková, Michaela Zadražilová, Tereza Nováková, Tobiáš Matocha, Valerie Rosa Hetzendorfová, Vilma Vojtíšková, Zuzana Jarošová

The year 2025. 80 years since the end of the war. The young generation asks: What does it mean for us? Witnesses are remembering, young artists are listening and creating. What is created when the past meets its future? Come and explore the boundaries of memory, art and identity.

The theatre project We Are Memory has been organized by Post Bellum - the Memory of Nations Theatre continuously since 2019 on the occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day (27th January). The intention of the project is to commemorate, through theatrical production, the often forgotten stories of those whose lives were affected by the Second World War and the Holocaust. The productions are created by young people in collaboration with professional artists.

Tickets can also be purchased at the venue, but cash only.

We Are Memory 2025: Clover Fields


DIVADLO X10 Charvátova 10/39, Prague 1, 110 00